Title | A Novel Multimedia File Splitting Technique for Medical Data Grid Storage |
Project Leader | |
Name | Rohaya Latip |
Telephone No. | 0389471729 |
rohayalt@upm.edu.my | |
Faculty | Computer Science and Information Technology |
IP Information | |
IP Type | Copyright (Protected) |
Filed Date | 11-07-2013 |
Application No. | 07-11-2013 |
Country Filing | Malaysia |
Applicant | Universiti Putra Malaysia |
Granted Date | |
IP Number | - |
Abstract | |
CASS-Medical Data Management System is a powerful, and easy-to-use system for doctors. It is powerful because it is using Academic Grid facilities which is 7 Terabyte storage. The storage of academic grid is located in a distributed location. The doctors do not have to concern about the storage limits and location. The CASS-Medical Data Management System will arrange its location automatically. If the doctor wants the file of Echocardiogram, they will search the file name based on patient IC or passport number for foreigner. The doctor can view the Echocardiogram file for analysis by downloading it in a fast network by using grid computing facilities. | |
Technology | file splitting, medical data, video, image, grid-based storage |
Inventor | Rohaya Latip, Hamidah Ibrahim and Chong Mien May |
Statement of Novelty | - |
Work Start Date | 01-01-2011 |
Work End Date | 31-05-2013 |
Classification | - |
Commercialised Status | Available |
Faculty | Computer Science and Information Technology |