Title | An Intelligent Computerized System for tree Lining Layout Planning (LLP-ICS) towards Designing Optimal Layout in Planting Areas |
Project Leader | |
Name | Abu Bakar Md. Sultan |
Telephone No. | 0389471727 |
abakar@upm.edu.my | |
Faculty | Computer Science and Information Technology |
IP Information | |
IP Type | Copyright (Protected) |
Filed Date | 05-03-2011 |
Application No. | 03-05-2011 |
Country Filing | Malaysia |
Applicant | UPM |
Granted Date | |
IP Number | 03-05-2011 |
Abstract | |
This work focuses on optimisation model (division of selected area to blocks and then the selection process of the best line direction for each block) in order to determine the optimal design to be applied in oil palm planting areas with a consideration of maximum tree number to be planted. The current practice using 60° from base line with single block does not necessarily find the maximum tree number, so that a series of design need to be done. The Intelligent Computerized System towards Designing Optimal Lining layout (LLP-ICS) purpose is to determine the optimal block division with the best line direction of each block and eventually propose the better lining design intelligently. To achive this, the shape assignment strategy has been applied however the solutionms will be varied. The Genetic Algorithm (GA) has been employed in the program code with monitoring gene values since the basic GA produced huge possible solution. | |
Technology | Science, Technology and Engineering |
Inventor | Abu Bakar Md. Sultan and Ismadi Md Badarudin |
Statement of Novelty | - |
Work Start Date | 01-06-2010 |
Work End Date | 03-05-2011 |
Classification | Software |
Commercialised Status | Available |
Faculty | Computer Science and Information Technology |