Title | A Method for Motion Tracking of Ventricular Endocardial Surface |
Project Leader | |
Name | Rahmita Wirza O. K. Rahmat |
Telephone No. | 038989466595 |
rahmita@fsktm.upm.edu.my | |
Faculty | Computer Science and Information Technology |
IP Information | |
IP Type | Patent |
Filed Date | 25-06-2014 |
Application No. | PI2014701755 |
Country Filing | Malaysia |
Applicant | Universiti Putra Malaysia |
Granted Date | |
IP Number | - |
Abstract | |
The present invention relates to a method for automatic motion tracking of ventricular endocardial surface in three dimensional (3D) echocardiography, characterized by the steps of extracting a plurality of ventricular endocardial contours over a complete cardiac cycle; identifying a plurality of landmarks on each ventricular endocardial contour; measuring displacement vector flow (DVF) for each landmark by comparing a pair of consecutive ventricular endocardial contours; measuring velocity vector flow (VVF) for each landmark from end-diastolic (ED) to end-systolic (ES) and vice versa; identifying at least four landmarks from the plurality of landmarks on each ventricular endocardial contour to represent anatomical landmarks of left lateral surface, right lateral surface, inferior wall and anterior wall by using geometrical distance calculation (GDC) algorithm; analysing ventricular endocardial motion direction using a fuzzy logic analyzer (FLA) for the four landmarks identified; updating values of the displacement vector flow (DVF) and velocity vector flow (VVF) based on the ventricular endocardial motion direction; and generating graphical curves of time versus values of the displacement vector flow (DVF) and velocity vector flow (VVF) for the four landmarks identified. Drawing accompanying abstract: Fig. 8 | |
Technology | echocardiography tracking system |
Inventor | Rahmita Wirza O.K. Rahmat, Faten Abed Ali Dawood, Mohd Zamrin Dimon, Suhaini Kadiman and Lili Nurliyana Abdullah |
Statement of Novelty | - |
Work Start Date | 01-01-0001 |
Work End Date | 01-01-0001 |
Classification | - |
Commercialised Status | |
Faculty | Computer Science and Information Technology |